A LOUD debuts next Tuesday (10) at Worlds 2023! The Brazilian team is in the same group as PSG Talon, Gigabyte Marines e Rainbow7.
Over the days, the More Esports will bring texts about LOUD’s possible opponents in the championship. Today, we will talk about the PSG Talon, PCS champion.
A PSG Talon na PCS
After winning the league in the 1st Split, PSG once again dominated the regular phase of their league and finished in first place with 16 wins and only two defeats.
In the playoffs, they had a certain difficulty. Only one series was calm, with a 3-0 and the others were five games. They won the Beyond in the final of the upper bracket and then they were champions against CTBC Flying Oyster.
The PSG Talon game
With the arrival of Maplethe team became even stronger and more overwhelming with the synergy between the mid laner and JunJia, the heart of the team. PSG Talon’s numbers at 15 minutes are absurd with 1617 gold ahead on average of their opponents in that period.
Furthermore, they won 86% of the matches in which they were ahead in gold. Although it appears to be a very fast team, given the advantages right from the start, PSG Talon has an average game time of 31 minutes.
As previously with board, JunJia and Maple are the main engines that make this team run. However, make no mistake, the bottom remains solid, with Yours being an excellent carrier and very competent when he needs to play his role, as well as being versatile for the team.
Junjia, the team’s highlight
LOUD’s terror in the first clash between the teams, even with Maple’s arrival, JunJia remains PSG Talon’s main player. Jungle arrived in the organization in the middle of last season and dominated the league.
To give an example, the player has an advantage in all statistics at 15 minutes, compared to other players in his league. He rarely goes behind in games and likes the advantage of being free on the map and making the game easier for his teammates.
What does LOUD need to win?
Without a doubt, PSG will be the toughest opponent in this part of the bracket for the Brazilian team. They eliminated LOUD at MSI 2023 and even reinforced themselves with a better name than the previous one.
To be successful, we need to be more solid, especially in the clash between Croc and Tinowns against JunJia and Maple. Being stable and not letting them play the map is important for us. Furthermore, Robo, with the right choices, can unbalance LOU in the top lane.
What is the scenario in which LOUD faces PSG Talon at Worlds 2023?
If LOUD beats GAM and PSG Talon wins R7, the two teams will face each other in round 2 of the upper bracket. If LOUD and PSG Talon lose their respective clashes, they will also find themselves, however, in the lower bracket.
Follow complete coverage of Worlds 2023 with game calendar, schedules, table, statistics, format, teams and other information here on More Esports!

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/worlds-2023-possivel-adversaria-da-loud-veja-como-chega-o-psg-talon