It is common for players to VALUING track your metrics like K/D and HS percentage to assess skills. However, the victory and defeat rate with specific agents is also a point that ensures in the process.
According to Blitz.gg, some agents had low win rates in some ranks. Furthermore, others alternate places depending on the link.
According to the statistics for Episode 8, Act 1, Harbor, Iso e KAY/O have the worst win rates in VALORANT across all ranks, from Iron to Radiant. Neon e Yoru are among the last five in the ranks from Iron 1 to Diamond 3.
Here is the list of agents with the worst win rates in VALORANT right now
- KAY/O (44.9% percent win rate, Ascendant Three)
- Iso (46.3% percent win rate, Ascendant Three)
- Harbor (47% win rate, Ascendant Three)
- Yoru (48.3% win rate, Ascendant Three)
- Neon (49 percent win rate, Ascendant Three)
- Breach (48.9 percent win rate, Ascendant Three)
- Chamber (48.5 percent win rate, Ascendant Three)
Creating unexpected angles is good with Harbor, but it doesn’t offer much value to the team in ranked play, where we typically don’t play with two controllers.
Yoru and Iso are situational agents. If you’re having a bad aiming day, Iso it won’t be useful. Yoru doesn’t work as well as the pros, so peculiar agents become a burden in most cases.
Chamber is currently in an uncomfortable position in VALORANT. He’s not everyone’s dream Sentinel, nor is he an effective duelist. Although we expect another power buff for Chamber soon, in a meta where trap specialists like Cypher e Killjoy exist, it is difficult to find a similar value with it.
published in February 15, 2024
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/valorant-esses-sao-os-piores-agentes-do-jogo