This Tuesday (19), Mortal Kombat 1 finally arrives for all players. However, the wait was not so pleasant for the Nintendo public, as during the last weekend Several users used their social networks to complain about the Switch version.

The case occurred with buyers of the special edition of Mortal Kombat 1, which guaranteed early access to the game. After playing, they published images and videos of the content on social media — and, evidently, the Switch version It doesn’t seem to compare to the one present on other consoles.

Part of the players’ indignation is the full price of US$70 stipulated for Mortal Kombat 1 on Switch, as well as other platforms. Among the main complaints are the low quality of the textures used and lack of polishing, making the version appear to have been produced with neglect and a short release date.

You can check out some images published on X (formerly Twitter) below:

Lack of polish and bugs

As we mentioned previously, one of the public’s main complaints is the lack of polish in this version. For example, this comparison of the game on Switch and other versions shows that, on the Nintendo console, Mortal Kombat 1 It literally looks like another game because of the effects that are well below expectations.

Check out:

Another point that caught the community’s attention is that the title is also several bugs that make it practically impossible to play. One of them, for example, seems to want to imitate something like the effect Fatal Furyleaving one of the characters moving from the front to the back of the screen, making it impossible to hit him.

Mortal Kombat 1 officially hit stores this Tuesday (19) in versions for PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and Switch. You had early access to Mortal Kombat 1 for the Nintendo console? What did you think of the work in this edition? Share your opinion with other readers of the Voxel using our social networks.


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