According to the leaker Big Bad Bearthe first inductee of the Hall of Legends, LoL’s hall of fame, will be the Faker!
First Hall of Legends skin will be Ahri Faker
It has not yet been confirmed that this will be the name, but according to the leak the skin will be very similar to the Glorious do Wild Rift: especially with the red and gold details.
Faker tycoon? The Hall of Legends skin won’t be cheap
In the leak it was very clear that the skin will be expensive, but quite expensive. It also seems that Riot wants to use these skins as a new level of cosmetics, but there aren’t many details yet. The release date has also not been announced, so for now we can only hope that the skin is that of the Nine-Tailed Fox.

Fulfilling a community wish
For those who don’t remember, Ahri was Faker’s first choice for the 2023 World Cup skin. However, the GOAT and Keria changed their skin options. This way, the T1 mid-laner will be able to 5 unique skins: Zed (2013), Rice (2015), Syndra (2016), Orianna (2023) e Ahri (Hall of Legends).

published in April 10, 2024
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/lol-primeira-skin-do-hall-das-lendas-sera-do-faker-diz-leaker