Kidrobot has put up for pre-sale an incredible bust of the German genius Albert Einstein and his biggest addiction, a delicious ice cream cone!
The Albert Einstein with Ice Cream Cone (Metallic Bronze) 12″ Resin Bust captures the world’s most famous theoretical physicist with a suit and tie, tousled hair and a smile on his face as he holds an ice cream cone sprinkled with his mathematical equations in his left hand revolutionary.
Albert Einstein really liked ice cream in real life, even when he moved to the USA and arrived at Princeton, his first act was to visit the Baltimore ice cream shop, on Nassau Street, to buy a cone of vanilla ice cream with chocolate sprinkles. Flaked ice cream was his favorite for the rest of his life (via Einstein in Princeton).
The Albert Einstein with Ice Cream Cone (Metallic Bronze) measures approximately 12 inches tall and is made from high-quality resin with detailed sculpting and premium paintwork in a metallic bronze finish.
Also available is the alternative version Albert Einstein with Ice Cream (Marble Edition) with painting imitating white marble, limited edition in 600 busts.
The Albert Einstein with Ice Cream Cone (Metallic Bronze) 12″ Resin Bust costs US$125 on pre-order from the Kidrobot Store.
See more Albert Einstein toys and other busts of famous personalities here on the Toy Blog.
Via Kidrobot.
Source: https://blogdebrinquedo.com.br/2024/01/busto-albert-einstein-com-sorvete-de-casquinha-e-acabamento-bronze-metalico/