LOUD suffered its first defeat at Worlds 2023. Just like at MSI, the Brazilians were defeated by PSG Talon por 2-0 and now they need to continue their trajectory in the lower bracket.

After the defeat, tinowns spoke to the CBLOL broadcast and talked a little more about the LOUD setback.

(Photo: Disclosure/LoL Esports)

A game against PSG Talon

PSG has always been our biggest opponent, we have always seen it that way. We knew that they are the strongest team here in our group, so it was a team for us to be very smart about. As you said, in the first game I think we had a good draft, we had good teamfights and everything, we were even able to play despite being behind and in the second I think it was largely due to the draft.

We ended up not having much of an opportunity to play, we were always trying to find some window or opportunity, but they controlled the vision very well and it was a very difficult game.

LOUD had the opportunity to win the first game

I remember that we wanted to play two lanes, which is obvious when you take a baron, so you can take objectives. Our first objective was the mid tower, but Robo ended up taking a pickoff on the bot. We could have covered it faster because we were in baron, so we automatically had that pressure in the mid to go down and fight.

I was already counting on my TP and everything, but it’s something that happens and that baron would definitely help us get more items and become much stronger for the next fight.

The reason for choosing Neeko over Kai’Sa

To be honest, we were comfortable with both options. But, maybe looking at it now, a little after the game, I’m not sure, maybe it would be better to have a Xayah or a Kai’Sa in his hands so we can force the bot. We managed to create a lot of advantage on the bot yesterday and open up the map a lot.

So maybe it was a good option. But, to be quite honest, even if we got a Kai’Sa, the rest of the draft there they understood very well what we wanted, they just played side and didn’t give us much of a window to do much. So they were pretty smart too, it was a bit of a draft diff.

Marines or Rainbow7?

If I were to guess who will win this series, I think it would be the Marines. It’s possible to win, we’ve already shown.

When will LOUD play again?

A LOUD returns to the stage next Saturday (14) and faces the winner of Gigabyte Marines e Rainbow7. If they win, they will still have the opportunity to qualify for the Swiss Stage of the championship.

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Source: https://maisesports.com.br/worlds-2023-foi-um-pouco-de-draft-diff-diz-tinowns-sobre-segundo-jogo

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