A LOUD was eliminated from Worlds 2023 after losing to GAM this Saturday (14). One of the players who didn’t perform well in the series was Croc, a jungler who also received some criticism in previous games.

This is the third consecutive international tournament in which LOUD participates and, consequently, Croc’s third. The player not only had the LOUD’s worst KDA in this tournamentas well as the your own worst KDA in international tournaments. Furthermore, he was also the player with the most deaths.

Croc’s KDA in international tournaments

  • Worlds 2022: KDA of 2.4
  • MSI 2023: KDA of 2.3
  • Worlds Play-In 2023: KDA 1.3

It is worth noting that LOUD played the same number of matches in Worlds 2023 and MSI 2023. In the LoL 2023 Worlds, the player’s best KDA was recorded in his match with Nocturne, against GAM, on the first day of the tournament.

See all the champions Croc played in the tournament:

  • Viego – 1/1/5 (Victory)
  • Night – 3/3/11 (Victory)
  • Sejuani – 1/6/8 (Defeat)
  • Kha’Zix – 1/6/0 (Defeat)
  • Lee Sin – 3/7/4 (Defeat)
  • Jarvan IV – 1/7/2 (Defeat)
(Image: Disclosure/LoL)

Croc had the highest LOUD kills at Worlds 2023

Croc’s low KDA results from the combination of a low number of kills with a high number of deaths, totaling 30. As already mentioned, he was the LOUD player who died the most; see the list:

  • Croc: 30 kills
  • Robo: 26 deaths
  • Ceos: 23 deaths
  • Tinowns: 14 mortes
  • Road: 13 dead

Individual performance of LOUD players


  • Olaf: 1/7/1
  • Aatrox: 2/6/3
  • Malphite: 0/5/0
  • Renekton: 5/4/4
  • KSante: 8/3/7
  • Renekton: 2/2/8


  • Jarvan IV: 7/1/2
  • Lee Sin: 3/7/4
  • KhaZix: 1/6/0
  • Sejuani: 6/1/8
  • Nocturne: 3/3/11
  • Viego: 1/1/5


  • Taliyah: 1/1/0
  • Ahri: 3/4/3
  • Neeko: 0/5/2
  • Taliyah: 3/1/6
  • Orianna: 02/0/11
  • Neeko: 3/1/6


  • Kaisa: 0/1/1
  • Xayah: 1/3/2
  • Sivir: 2/2/2
  • Sivir: 4/6/5
  • Xayah: March 6, 7
  • Kaisa: 11/0/5


  • Friends: 0/3/2
  • Nautilus: 0/7/3
  • Enlist: 1/5/1
  • Friend: 0/5/11
  • Friend: 0/2/15
  • Friend: 2/1/12

Repercussion of the defeat in the community

The elimination of LOUD had a lot of repercussions on social media. Spectators and even influential figures from the scene were frustrated and criticized the performance of some players in the series.

LS, a renowned community analyst, mentioned that LOUD’s draft in this series was one of the worst he has ever seen in international tournaments and criticized Robo and Croc’s performance.

In an interview on stage, Ceos, supporter of LOUD, spoke of “hassle” in the series against GAM. In an exclusive interview with More Esports, Tinowns opened up about the elimination and spoke of great frustration with the result. He commented on the team’s mistakes and said that he had high expectations for the tournament. Check out:

Bruno Rodrigues
published in October 14, 2023edited 3 days ago

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/worlds-2023-croc-teve-o-maior-numero-de-mortes-e-pior-kda-da-loud

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