We are getting closer and closer to seeing what Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has to offer. For us, Brazilians, the game comes with a special flavor, since the multiplayer modality will have among its 16 classic maps a remade version of the Favela map.

Set in Rio de Janeiro, the Favela map was one of the most popular in the world. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 launched in 2009, being a recreation of the area that also appeared in the main campaign and featured enemies speaking Portuguese and everything. During the first beta test of COD MW3, Voxel was able to test the revamped version of the map.

While the experience remains similar to what we have on the original map, Favela’s graphics are largely renewed. Check out some captures taken in the PS5 version of the game below, showing a little of the gameplay experience in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3.

During the free beta, which can be played by everyone next weekend, the Favela map can be accessed in the multiplayer Moshpit. The option involves several online game modes on different maps, including the Brazilian location.

For all audiences

The Favela map features areas to please all types of players: those who like to send their opponents into limbo without exposing themselves too much, for example, can use the townhouses or roofs of some houses to shoot with snipers, while those who like to go down the Finger on the shoot button has several tighter areas to chase enemies.

A curious fact is that this map, as possibly many already imagined, It has a football field in its composition where you can even “play ball” in case you have spare bullets, free time and no one wants your head around. See below:


Availability and controversies

The Favela map was originally released in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2but he also appeared in three other games: Call of Duty: Ghosts (as part of an additional content pack), Call of Duty: Mobile It is the next Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

A curious fact that perhaps many people don’t remember is that this map was involved in controversies – and it wasn’t even because of something local, but because of a reference made to Islam.

In one of the bathrooms on the map, you can find an inscription inside saying that “Allah is beautiful and He loves beauty”. However, Islam does not allow anything referring to Allah to be written in bathrooms, which led to the area being removed for a period of time until the problem was corrected.

Now, we’ll have the chance to check out everything this famous arena has to offer when Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 is released for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S on November 10th.

Source: https://www.tecmundo.com.br/voxel/272531-mapa-brasileiro-retorna-cod-modern-warfare-3-veja-imagens-favela.htm

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