O Closed Qualifier do VALORANT Challengers Brasil (VCB) 2024 started last Friday (26). Team Liquid needs to sweep the lower division to qualify for the circuit.
Team Liquid’s trajectory in the Closed Qualifier
On the first day of the Closed Qualifier, the Team Liquid, team that made history by reaching the last stage of the competitionstarted the day with a 2-0 first series victory.
However, the second series of the day was more competitive and the squad fell to lower and will face this Saturday (27) The Blind Guysmaking it worth staying in the championship.
Furthermore, the second day of the qualifiers will define the first team that will join the other eight teams that are already in Stage 1 of Challengers Brazil, in the dispute between Advance Troop it’s at SAGAZ Esports.
Check out the disputes on the 2nd day of the VCB 2024 Closed Qualifier
- Maestro’s Orchestra x Turkish Hostages
- Team Liquid x Os Cara Cego
- Tropa do Avanço x SAGAZ Esports (worth 1st place in VCB 2024)
The clashes will be MD3, except for the lower final which will be MD5.
All players who are in the tournament
Team Liquid BR
- stop
- Daiki
- bstrdd
- his
- beard
Turkish hostages
- turkish
- night
- Stwz1
- Loud
Saga Esports
- desire
- depppx
- zaninZS
- phc
Advance Troop
The Blind Guys
- gbzz
- blowzin
- champzera
- Space
- take
Maestro’s Orchestra
published in January 27, 2024
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/vcb-2024-team-liquid-precisa-varrer-a-lower-para-conquistar-vaga