In a video published on social media, VALORANT Lab compared the duration of smokes between the five controllers. A Clove’s arrival It generated many questions in the community, considering that its ability lasts less than is common among agents in the same role.

Comparison of smokes in VALORANT

It is possible to note that the duration of Clove’s smoke is just over 12 seconds, the shortest among the five.

Astra, Omen e Harbor appear next, with the ability lasting 15 seconds. Finally, Brimstone It has the longest smoke, taking just over 19 seconds to finish.

It is worth noting that the skills of Viperthe game’s most used controller in the main VCT championships, have a maximum duration of 15 seconds.

This demonstrates how the choice of agent can significantly impact the dynamics and pace of the game, depending on the preferences and strategies of each team.

Raquel Ferreira
published in March 31, 2024


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