Many artists are inspired by game weapons to make their own creations. VALUING. Since the release of Riot’s FPS, the artist Vegod is moving the community with several skins with different themes. The content creator spoke to the More Esports about how he entered this world.

(Photo: Disclosure/Mais Esports)

How did Vegod start making VALORANT skins?

The artist said that he played Fortnite competitively for 4 years and after a while he shifted his focus to creating game content. At this time he acquired skills and expanded collaborations and skin trailers to VALORANT.

“I wanted to expand my esports and gaming reach, so I thought of the idea of ​​doing collaboration concept animations and weapon skin trailers for VALORANT, as I knew I could easily replicate what I did in Fortnite for VALORANT, I knew it would be popular and good for growth. The Riot community is much more supportive of its creators than other communities with their respective games.”

I knew I could easily replicate what I did in Fortnite for VALORANT, and that it would be popular and good for growth.

How long does it typically take to produce skins and what is the process?

VALORANT developers take months and sometimes even years to create skins to implement in the game. As Vegod is not part of Riot he stated that the time and production are different, however, there is work behind it.

“The process depends on the performance of each skin with views and impressions on social media. It takes me about a week to actually make and polish the skin. My way of making skins is to take various parts from other weapon models and mold them into a new model that people have never seen before.

When I download the skin, I look at it and take into account how popular it is. If it gets a lot of likes, comments and impressions, I’ll make a skin trailer for it, which takes me another week of planning, scripting, dubbing and animation. So I would say it takes me 2 weeks per skin.”

Each skin I work on is divided into 3 parts.

  • Make the skin
  • If the community likes
  • If they like it, make a skin trailer, if they don’t like it, move on to the next concept

Vegod never did any kind of collab with Riot

Despite creating a 3D designer of skins inspired by the Franchise League teams and later Riot announcing the arrival of the capsules, Vegod stated that he never made any weapons for the developer.

“I was not invited by Riot to do any type of collaboration. If the opportunity arises, I would love to take it. I am only invited to early access events for new agents, maps, and weapon skins before they are released. I was told that their main producer likes my work and the skins, so that’s really cool!”

I was not invited by Riot to do any type of collaboration. If the opportunity arises, I would love to take it.

“A lot of the skins that RIOT makes have been in development for a long time before release, I don’t think my creations have any or that much influence as I’m sure their creative team already started before me, but maybe, who knows.”

What was your favorite creation?

Finally, Vegod talked about his favorite creations in VALORANT.

“My favorite concept would be the Spider-Man Miles Morales, Oppenheimer, Venom and Star Wars concepts. I chose these 3 because they were the most organic for me. They lean into my creativity rather than the 2.0 skins I make, which gets me a lot of views just because the 1.0 skin is already popular.”

Spider-Man // Miles Morales

Skin created by Vegod inspired by Spider-Man Miles Morales
(Photo: Disclosure/Riot Games)


Skin created by Vegod inspired by oppenheimer
(Photo: Disclosure/Vegod)


Skin created by Vegod inspired by Venom
(Photo: Disclosure/Vegod)


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