Apparently TenZplayer of Sentinels likes to adventure in other Riot games, in addition to VALUING The Canadian posted on social media this Thursday (29) that he had reached one of the highest links in the League of Legends.

In a publication, TenZ showed that he managed to reach the Master rank, that is, the third highest rank in LoL. Furthermore, he informed that he will now be able to leave the game.

It is worth mentioning that currently, the MOBA has 10 competitive levels, ranging from weakest to strongest: Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Emerald, Diamond, Master, Grandmaster and Challenger.

Community reacts to TenZ’s achievement

After publication, some friends and the community spoke about the player’s achievement. Among them, teammate Zellsis stated, “Good, now get into VALORANT brother.”

Content creator Noko also stated that the player is now prepared for war. “Radiant in VALORANT and Master in LoL. Your mind is trained for war.”

published in February 29, 2024edited 3 days ago


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