During the VALORANT Champions 2023 final, the Riot Games revealed VALORANT’s new map, called Sunset. He is expected to arrive at Episode 7, Act 2 and is breathed into The Angels.
Sunset map screenshots in VALORANT

Inspiration in Los Angeles
Sunset brings characteristic symbols of LA, such as food trucks, the architecture of the Spanish missions and art deco, traffic jams, a neon sunset and the graffiti of some local artists. In this map with 3 lanes and 2 points, players will have to put control of the middle lane at the center of their strategies.
When does the Sunset map arrive in VALORANT?
The Sunset map arrives in VALORANT in Episode 7, Act 2, scheduled for August 29th. The update will also feature the change of 11 agents and the debut of the Premier role.
published in August 27, 2023
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/valorant-imagens-e-data-de-lancamento-do-mapa-sunset