A nova skin de VALUING, Greatness, was launched this Thursday (26). The collection inspired by the Chinese legend of the Monkey King arrives in the game in the next update, with the new agent and the Battle Pass.
What weapons are in Grandeza skins in VALORANT?
The new collection will feature Vandal, Ghost, Operator e Aresin addition to the Ruyi Staff from the Valorous Hero line. Inspired by the famous wukong present in several games, the collection features a designer who recalls the legends of China.
What will the legends say about you?
Forge your path to greatness with the Ghost, Ares, Vandal, Operator and Clash Staff Ruyi weapons from the Valorous Hero line. pic.twitter.com/rw2Ve91NPa
— VALORANT // BRAZIL (@VALORANTBrasil) October 26, 2023
How much does the skin pack cost?
The price of the skin pack costs 7100VP, that is, approximately R$ 244,80. You can also purchase items separately. Each weapon skin will be sold for 1775VP. The staff will cost 4350VP. The textures have three different variants in red with orange, pink with blue and dark blue.
What are the items present in the Grandeza collection?
- Vandal
- Ghost
- Operator
- Ares
- Ruyi Staff
- Brave Hero Card
- Brave Hero Spray
- Brave Hero Keychain
When does the new Pack arrive in VALORANT?
The new pack arrives at VALORANT on October 31st, alongside Act 3 Episode 7. In addition to the skins, the new agent, Iso and the new Battle Pass will also be included in the game.
published in October 26, 2023
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/valorant-riot-games-anuncia-nova-colecao-de-skins-grandeza