This Friday (27), the ValorLeaks page released some leaks about updates that should happen in VALORANT in the next update. With a nerf on Judge and also on Raze. In addition to possible changes to Cypher.
Judge Nerfs (7.09 PBE) | #VALUATING
~ Max mag size reduced from 7 to 5
~ Jumping spread increased from 1.25 to 2.25
~ Running spread increased from .10 to .75— Mike | Valorant Leaks & News (@ValorLeaks) October 27, 2023
Nerf on Judge and also on Raze
The Judge is one of VALORANT’s weapons and should be nerfed in the next update. Firstly, with an ammunition reduction from seven to five. Additionally, increased shot spread when the player jumps or runs.
At Raze, there have been several changes. The primary grenade’s blast radius will be decreased from six meters to five and a half meters. Secondary grenades will also have a decrease.
Other changes such as the minimum explosion damage of grenades will decrease from 15 to one and the arming time of paint cartridges will go from 0.5 seconds to 1.5 seconds. Finally, ink cartridges do not cause damage until they are fully armed.
When do these changes come to VALORANT?
All of these changes are expected to occur in Update 7.09. Furthermore, the launch of new agent takes place on October 31st and also the arrival of the new Battle Pass.
published in October 28, 2023
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/valorant-nova-atualizacao-trara-nerf-na-judge-e-mudancas-na-raze