A Riot Games is getting ready to receive a new skin pack that should be called Orion, no VALUING According to the ValorLeaks page, the community can wait for the introduction of this package for the next update.

The new complete Orion Collection bundle will be available for 5100 VPsor equivalent to about R$170. However, for those who prefer to choose individual cosmetics, each item can be purchased separately by 1275 VPsequivalent to approximately R$40.

The Orion Collection brings a full set of cosmetics to players, including weapons like Phantom, Vandal, Odin, Frenzy e an exclusive knife with a sword design. In addition to weapons, the collection should also feature a variety of other accessories, such as sprays and keychains, to personalize the gaming experience.

However, it is important to note that the Orion Collection follows the pattern of other recent VALORANT collections and does not include special effects or animations in its cosmetics. This means that while the visuals are attractive and unique, the equipment will function similarly to the game’s standard cosmetics.

(Photo: Reproduction/ValorLeaks)
Raquel Ferreira
published in October 18, 2023

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/valorant-novo-pacote-de-skins-deve-chegar-em-breve

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