A Riot Games announced this Thursday (26) the new collection of skins, Greatness. Furthermore, the package was inspired by the Chinese legend of monkey King (wukong) which is present in games like League of Legends, Dota 2 and others.
Collection inspiration from Chinese legend
The developers of the new collection talked about the process of creating the skin and also what the inspirations were for arriving at the final process.
Second Laura Baltzerproducer of Riot Games, the idea was to create something significant about the Monkey King, known by the Chinese population.
The Monkey King character is well-loved by many people and our goal was to create a line of skins that felt as heroic and powerful as his story. One of the main means we use to express this story is clouds. The Monkey King is often depicted riding on a nimbus cloud and this was a powerful image for us as we were creating this theme.
What were the inspirations for the Grandeza collection?
Sun Wukong is known as the Monkey King and is an iconic character in Chinese literature and culture. His story begins when he is born from a magical stone, gains incredible abilities, such as superhuman strength, the ability to transform into different shapes, and a magical staff that can stretch and shrink at will.
These were some inspirations, which the rew Olsensound designer at Riot Games, pointed out the construction of the character.
There are so many great depictions of the Monkey King throughout history. We tried to take bits and pieces from those stories, but also do something that felt unique to VALORANT. I think you see this most with the finisher, both the model and the music we choose to create. Music especially has played an important role in several adaptations and depictions of the story, so we leaned heavily on traditional Chinese, familiar instruments and sounds to create the thematic core.
When does the new Pack arrive in VALORANT?
The new pack arrives at VALORANT on October 31st, alongside Act 3 Episode 7. In addition to the skins, the new agent, Iso is the new Battle Pass will also be included in the game.

published in October 26, 2023
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/valorant-nova-colecao-foi-inspirada-em-lenda-chinesa