O Chamber may receive new buffs next Update 8.03 of VALUING According to information on the Valor Leaks page, the agent will receive changes to the Tour de Force and Headhunter.

Other pages also leaked information. According to XKLaboratories, Riot seeks to improve the strengths and weaknesses of sentinel agents. Therefore, the objective is to ensure that Chamber can maintain where he is with his skills.

Chamber Changes for Update 8.03

  • Headhunter (Q) will reduce the value from 150 >>> 100
  • Tour de Force (X) has had its fire rate increased from 0.7>>>0.9

There is still no information on when the changes will arrive at VALORANT, but everything indicates that they will happen in Update 8.03.

published in February 12, 2024

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/valorant-chamber-pode-receber-buff-em-proxima-atualizacao

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