Belky revealed through his social networks this Tuesday (31) what are the main difficulties in the competitive scenario of VALUING at the moment. O streamer from FURIA made a statement to the community.
Belky talks about the difficulties of growing in the competitive scene
In the video, Belky says how being a professional player goes beyond the desire of just one player. It is worth mentioning that before becoming a content creator, he had stints as an athlete for Gamelanders Blue e Stars Horizon.
The main difficulty is that you make your life dependent on four people, five people. Sometimes three people want it a lot and other times they don’t want it so much. The biggest fight is not with your opponents, sometimes, but with your team.
It’s about everyone wanting a lot and having the same desire. Everyone at the weekend, give up going out, drinking beer, giving up your boyfriend or girlfriend and giving up your life. Giving up family, birthday. It doesn’t matter if you do it alone, everyone has to do it together.
Furthermore, he stated that these are the things that do not appear to the community and commented on the power of his influence on the people who watch him.
It’s this competition that TV doesn’t see, live doesn’t see. This is not shown to us and I only know this because I went through this situation. And even if you abdicate, there’s a chance it won’t work out.
Today, I know the influence I have on young people and I know that my role as an influencer, in addition to playing games, is to make the public aware of what is really happening.
published in November 1, 2023
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/valorant-belky-desabafa-sobre-os-desafios-de-crescer-no-esports