First off, if you’re looking for today’s Rankdle answer, you’ve come to the right place! O More Esports prepared the solution for all the videos of the day, with the answers of which link is each move shown in the Rankdle of LoL. Below you can see the solutions of the day.
Today’s Rankdle Answer – Aug 23
- the link of first rankdle video is Silver (Talk);
- the link of second rankdle video is Silver (Talk);
- the link of third rankdle video is Teacher (Master);
But what is Rankdle?
Rankdle represents is a game from the same site as Lodle, the famous LoL minigame of questions and answers about LoL champions. However, here the objective is to hit a player’s elo based on a video of their play.
What LoL ranks to hit on Rankdle?
In the Lodle minigame you can choose between the 10 LoL ranks in each playthrough. To clarify, these ranks are:
- Ferro
- Bronze
- Talk
- Gold
- Platinum
- Esmeralda
- Diamante
- Teacher
- Grand Master
- Challenging
Luckily, to make things simpler, you don’t need to get the LoL rank split right in Rankdle, just hit the player’s link.
But how many LoL Rankdle responses do you have daily?
Rankdle daily shows three videos of different plays. Your score is based on how close you come to the right answer.
For example, if you select “Silver” for a “Gold” move, you will earn more points than those who select “Challenger”, for example, the link that is farthest away.
Besides LoL, does Rankdle have other games?
Yes! If you also play other games like VALORANT, Apex, Rocket League, CS:GO, Overwatch 2, Rainbow Six and Fortnite, you can also try to hit plays from these games on Rankdle.
Finally, what is the greatest difficulty in getting the Rankdle answer right?
Rankdle’s biggest difficulty is the fact that high elo players can make bad plays and low elo players can surprise with great plays. This means guesses become more challenging, and often the answer is a surprise.
published in August 24, 2023edited 4 hours ago
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/resposta-rankdle-lol-hoje-veja-todas-as-solucoes-do-dia