Capcom has been nailing fans’ nostalgia since 2018, when it finally announced the remake of Resident Evil 2. Apparently, this strategy has been generating good results for the company, which in the following years took the opportunity to launch the reimaginings of the third and fourth games. If you think it’s over there, the Japanese giant has a message for you: “There are more remakes Resident Evil on my way”.
The exciting statement was made to the IGN por Yasuhiro Anpo, director de Resident Evil 4 Remakeduring a PlayStation Partner event in Japan this Friday (01). The title that will receive treatment worthy of a new generation, however, was not revealed on this occasion.
“We’ve released three remakes so far and they’ve all been very well received. This allows a modern audience to play these games, and it’s something I’m happy to do as someone who loves older games. We want to keep doing more,” said Anpo. “Which remake we will make is something we would like to announce in the future, so please look forward to it.”
What will be the next remake of the Resident Evil franchise?
With the launch of the reimagining of Resident Evil 4Capcom reached new heights and managed to bring a solid gameplay experience, in addition to not having slipped in other important things — such as the development of the story, one of the most criticized aspects in remakes of Resident Evil 2 e 3.
There is a lot of discussion among fans about what the next remake of the franchise will be. Resident Evil. The most commented guesses are RE Code: Veronica e RE 5. Although we don’t have this information yet, Anpo also said that Capcom is always taking community feedback into account for productions.
Yoshiaki Hirabayashi e Yasuhiro Anpo no evento da PlayStation Partners no Japão.Fonte: IGN
“When developing a new game, we have no way of knowing whether it will be well received by fans, this is very difficult. In the case of a remake, there are already players who played the original, which I believe can be seen as an advantage” , explained the developer. “We are very grateful to users who express their opinions. This allows us to develop with their opinion in mind. For example, if it is a way that the fans want, perhaps we can do it that way. I believe this is one of the reasons why our remakes are so well received,” he added.
What’s the next remake of Resident Evil would you like to play? Comment on social media Voxel!
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Source: https://www.tecmundo.com.br/voxel/274443-resident-evil-tera-remakes-futuro-confirma-capcom.htm