Current three-time champion LPL and MSI champion, JDG will arrive with a different line-up for 2024. After 369 left, the organization revealed the signing of the top laner Flanders for the next season.

Flandre hasn’t played LoL for a year

Flandre has been active in the competitive scene since 2014, having started his career at Snake Esports and staying there until May 2019. He was also part of LNG, but became better known when he joined EDG in 2021.

At EDG he won the second split of 2021 and, in the same year, he won the world title with a victory over DAMWON in the grand final.

EDG is the great champion of Worlds 2021 (Photo: Riot Games)

EDG didn’t have a good campaign in 2022, but managed to go to the World Cup anyway. The team was eliminated by DRX, which was the world champion that year.

Despite the titles, Flandre arrives as an unknown for fans. The player did not play for any team in 2023which means he hasn’t played competitively for at least a year.

JDG lineup so far

Top laner 369 wasn’t the only player to leave JDG. The mid laner Knight also left the organization, while Ruler e Kanvi signed the renewal. In addition to them, support Missing, who already has a longer contract, will remain in the squad.

Therefore, the line-up so far is:

  • Flanders: Top
  • Kanavi: Jungler
  • Mid: Not yet announced
  • Ruler: ADC
  • Missing: Support

Rumors indicate that JDG may sign the mid laner Yagao for Knight’s place. So far, nothing has been confirmed by the organization.

Image of the JDG Flandre advertisement
(Image: Disclosure/JDG)
Bruno Rodrigues
published in December 7, 2023edited 2 days ago


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