One of the biggest requests from the League of Legends community is the ranked no ARAM. Many players are against it due to the more “uncommitted” side of the mode, in addition to the randomness factor of the champions, but even so the subject continues to be discussed every year in the community.
Riot rules out the possibility of Ranked on ARAM
Rioter Cadmus spoke about the subject in a post on Reddit and revealed that the Riot even tested the system, but concluded that it would be a negative experience for players. According to him, it is unfeasible to be ranked in LoL’s ARAM.
Ranking in ARAM goes against the premise of ARAM. Generally, players say they go to ARAM to not stress about a competitive experience. Introducing ranked into this mode changes the perception of the mode as inherently more competitive, which is something we want to avoid. The few times we’ve tested this format, it’s received a pretty negative response for the reasons above, which is why we’re holding off on creating a permanently graded ARAM experience.
Rioter also argued that ARAM Clash is a one-off alternative for those who want more completeness in ARAM.
ARAM Clash, on the other hand, because it is time-limited and not scaleable in nature, is much closer to how we want to approach players who want to have variations in ARAM.
Community repercussion
Obviously Rioter’s response got the community talking, especially those asking for ranked in ARAM.
“That doesn’t make any sense, people could still play Aram’s normal mode”
Another player responded that creating an ARAM Ranking could generate very discrepant situations in which “everyone loses”.
Normal Aram would be balanced around Ranked Aram, and you would have very disparate situations where it would be fun to play for one, but terrible to play against for the other. EVERYONE loses.
A “mono-ARAM” player supports the introduction of Ranked:
As someone who only plays ARAM, some of the most stressful players to have on your team are the “It’s just ARAM” types who end up 2/25 after doing AP/lethality by being the only tank. It would be nice to have other modes or a more visible MMR.
Another user sided with Rioter:
Correct answer and the game mode has MMR anyway, just increase your MMR if you really want “ranked” ARAM
One player suggested placing the ranked in ARAM similar to what they did in Arena Mode, which has its own and easier ranked system. It is worth remembering that Arena will return in 2024 with improvements and matches with 16 people.
I feel like ARAM Ranked, if it was like they did with ranked in Arena, it would be good
More options to relax
Riot announced that it is working on another new game mode in LoL calmer. The announcement, made by Riot Cadmus himself, took place during the video for the new Season 2024, and among the details announced was that the focus will be on something calmer and milder.

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/lol-riot-descarta-possibilidade-de-ranked-no-aram