Smolder is League’s latest champion, and part of its design involves the champion interacting with his mother, which helps him in the ult. In some of Smolder’s lines we see the interaction with his mother, and the Riot released the translation from the mother of the little Dragon.

Translating Smolder’s mother dragon

According to the story’s senior developer, Riot Goblin, the mother dragon’s roars have meaning and the developer published some examples on its social networks.


Smolder: Why is she on top of me all the time? I can take care of myself

In this roar the mother says: “Be careful out there, sweetie.”

Smolder: I’m starving, I could eat several gromps right now.


Smolder: it’s OK

Here she says: “You’re not supposed to eat the Gromps!”

Smolder: do you see anything fun up there?


Smolder: Ahhh, I found them!

In this roar, she speaks: “Your toys are over here, go get them!”

Smolder: Mother


Smolder: Mother


Smolder: Mããããnhêêêêêêêêêêêêêê


Smolder: Hi (laughs)

And in this roar she just repeats: “Countryside?”


Smolder: Maybe this is a good thing they don’t really understand

This last roar is coarser: “There, these !@#!@&@!!!”

Disclosure/Riot Games
Sergio Fiorini
published in February 9, 2024edited 3 days ago


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