This Tuesday (26) the Riot Games revealed the new skins Congregation of Witches, a line of skins already known in the game. This time, new characters received skins, and the good news for Main Akali, is that she will also have a Prestige version!

Next, the More Esports will show you when they launch the new skins Congregation of Witches in LoL, how much they cost and also images of the customizations.

Who are the champions of the new Congregation of Witches skins in LoL?

In total, six champions will receive the new customizations. The highlight of this time is Akali, which will gain a prestige version of the line. Below, check out all the champions who will receive the new skins:

  • Syndra
  • Nilah
  • Nami
  • Mordekaiser
  • Elise
  • Akali (will also receive a prestige edition)

When will the new Congregation of Witches skins be released in LoL

The new Congregation of Witches skins are expected to be released on patch 13.20, scheduled for the day October 11th.

Price of the new Congregation of Witches skins in LoL

  • A Skin Syndra Congregation of Witches costs 1350 the RP
  • A Skin Nilah Witches’ Congregation costs 1350 the RP
  • A Skin Nami Witches’ Congregation costs 1350 the RP
  • A Skin Mordekaiser Old God costs 1350 the RP
  • A Skin Elise Congregation of Witches costs 1350 the RP
  • A Skin AKali Congregation of Witches costs 1350 the RP
  • A Skin Akali Congregation of Witches Prestige costs 125 Mythic Essence

Considering the price of RP in 2023, the average price of skins is around R$ 34,90.

Skin arts

Syndra Congregation of Witches

(Image: Disclosure/LoL)

Nilah Congregation of Witches

Image of the Nilah Congregation of Witches skin in LoL
(Image: Disclosure/LoL)

Nami Congregation of Witches

Image of the Nami Congregation of Witches skin in LoL
(Image: Disclosure/LoL)

Elise Congregation of Witches

Image of the Elise Congregação das Bruxas skin in LoL
(Image: Disclosure/LoL)

Mordekaiser Old God

Image of the Ancient God Mordekaiser skin in LoL
(Image: Disclosure/LoL)

Akali Congregation of Witches

Image of the Akali Congregation of Witches skin in LoL
(Image: Disclosure/LoL)

Akali Congregation of Witches Prestige

Image of the Akali Congregation of Witches Prestige skin in LoL
(Image: Disclosure/LoL)

It is worth remembering that this line of skins in LoL was launched in 2019 and currently has several characters, such as Ahri, Ashe, Camille, Cassiopeia, Evelynn, Janna, Lissandra, Morgana, Leblanc, e Office, these last two also with prestige version.

In the Deus Antigos version, which has the same theme, but for male characters, we have the characters Malphite, Nocturne, Warwick, Volibear e Nocturne. There is no prestige version for any of them.

These skins are released in October due to Halloween, but Riot is expected to release other skins, with a more humorous tone, to celebrate the date.


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