In recent days, Riot Games has released some previews of changes they will make to the next LoL updates. One of them, on Smite, generated a terrible repercussion in the community.
In the change, the summoner spell would lose one of its main functions within the game: to be used on troops or in summons of other championslike the Tibbers, Daisy, Yorick’s Maiden between others.
The developer reversed the decision and players will still be able to use the spell on minions, as well as enemy pets. However, the other changes remain in effect on the test server, the PBE.
Changes to smite
- Smite damage on champions will be a fixed 40;
- Area damage goes from 50% to 100%;
- No longer grants damage reduction from epic monsters;
- Green Smite no longer grants tenacity and slow reduction;
- Blue Smite reduced movement speed: 45% >30% when exiting bushes and 60% >45% when eliminating monsters;
- Red Smite will be activated by basic attack or skill and no longer by any source of damage
League Patch 13.20 will bring lots of new features
These changes are expected to arrive in LoL patch 13.20 along with the Jax rework and also the new Congregação das Bruxas skins, which features Nami as one of the main stars of the line.
The update should reach the official League of Legends servers on October 11th. For now, players can test and evaluate possible changes on the developer’s test server, the PBE.
published in September 29, 2023edited 4 days ago
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/lol-apos-um-dia-de-criticas-riot-volta-atras-em-mudanca-polemica-no-smite