The transfer window in other leagues is also busy! In the LCS, the North American LoL league, most of the squads are already formed and teams are already announcing new players.
This Monday (14), the Shopify Rebellion revealed its new lineup for next season with two well-known faces in the Brazilian community: Flanalistawho was already the team’s coach while they were still in the TSM and also bvoyADC ex-paiN Gaming.
The South Korean will have as a partner, in addition to the South Korean coach, Beat, jungler, whose name has already been mentioned a lot in CBLOL. ADC left Tradicionais after two runners-up and will be replaced by TitaN.
Introducing Shopify Rebellion League of Legends:
@FakeGod @yeopbugi @insanitylol @Bvoylol @Zeyzal
@WildTurtle @loltomio @FLAnalista
See you in #LCS in 2024 pic.twitter.com/hhyPmqebsW
— Shopify Rebellion (@ShopifyRebels) December 4, 2023
paiN will have more exits
As determined by More Esports, ProDelta he will also no longer be a player for the organization next year. He has been sold to Vivo Keyd Stars and will be trained by SeeEl, a foreigner who will come to Brazil.
For the position, paiN tried Ceos, but saw Kabum was ahead for the deal and should not have the player. Even after negotiation impasses, the Traditionalists agreed on Kuri’s return to Brazil.
published in December 4, 2023
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/lcs-2024-shopify-anuncia-elenco-com-bvoy-e-flanalista