Mortal Kombat 1 It has an Experience Points system, the famous XP, which allows the player to level up. As it evolves, a series of rewards will be made available, such as items, movements and, most importantly, the unlocking of new fighters — the Kameo Fighters.
However, just like in all other games that use the same XP evolution system, you need to invest a lot of time to achieve all the objectives, which in the case of Mortal Kombat 1 are the unlocks. And to help you in this mission, today the Voxel teaches you how to gain XP quickly in the game. Check out!
Abuse Invasion Mode
The main way to earn XP is by playing Invasion Mode. For those who don’t know, you need to complete a series of tasks as you progress through scenarios that have a board format. And for each mission completed, you receive an amount of experience points depending on your performance during the battle.
Therefore, in addition to simply beating your opponents, you need to perform feats in combat. The main one is to win the battle without suffering any type of damage., the famous Flawless Victory. If you achieve this feat, the points gained almost double in quantitybeing an excellent opportunity for farm your character.
Invasion Mode is one of the best options for gaining experience points quickly.Source: Reproduction / Voxel
Another tip is always try to end fights with a blow Brutality. This is because, when submitting your opponent in this way, experience points also increasemaking it faster to level up.
When finishing a fight with a Brutallity, experience points gain a nice bonus.Source: Reproduction / Voxel
And to top it off, the mode also allows you to equip items to the fighter being used. They range from strength bonuses, so that he deals more damage with each blow, to increased defense, agility, among other factors.
But have a specific item that mainly helps those who want to level up: the Not Junk. With it equipped, any amount of XP earned during battles will be increased by 15%. However, you need to equip it every time you enter Invasion Mode matches, because if you leave it out, you will only receive the normal amount of points.
Iinvesting in specific fighters
Just like in all fighting games, there are those fighters that you have more control over, or that you feel better playing. In Mortal Kombat 1 It’s no different, and this could even end up being an excellent opportunity to gain more experience points.
This because It is possible to always use the same character to participate in combat. Therefore, if you have some experience with a certain fighter, invest in it to win matches in any of the modes.
Invest in fighters in which you already have extensive combat experience.Source: Reproduction / Voxel
It is also worth remembering that, As the difficulty level increases, the points are also higher. Therefore, if you already have a certain skill in the game, it is also interesting to invest in your fighter in modes such as Tower in its highest degrees of difficulty.
Finish Story Mode
As in past editions, Mortal Kombat 1 It has a Story Mode. It shows the events that motivated each of the characters to participate in the famous tournament and, mainly, how Liu Kang became a god in this new edition.
With each combat completed in the mode, in addition to advancing in the game’s story, you also acquire experience points, which adjust depending on the difficulty chosen. Another advantage is that After finishing the mode you also unlock the character Havikone of the most powerful in the game.
It is also possible to earn experience points in Mortal Kombat 1 Story Mode.Source: Steam
Adventuring in Online Mode
And finally, another way to earn experience points is by participating in combat in the Online Mode of Mortal Kombat 1. In addition to earning a good amount of XP, depending on the level of the ranking, participating in official tournaments is also an excellent way to guarantee a good position in the global ranking.
It is worth mentioning that, as in other modes, in Online there are no requirements to vary the fighters. In other words, you can always rank using the same character, as the amount of experience points will not change as a result.
Online Mode is also a good way to earn experience points.Source: Steam
And you, what is your current level in Mortal Kombat 1? Tell us on social media Voxel!
Source: https://www.tecmundo.com.br/voxel/274424-ganhar-xp-rapido-mortal-kombat-1.htm