The LCS 2024 Grand Final took place this Sunday (03/31) and was between Team Liquid against Flyquest. The champion was Liquidby 3×1!

A Cavalry came from the Lower Key, and managed to beat the Flyquest who arrived through the Superior Key and finished the regular phase in first place. Check out the series numbers:

Team Liquid breaks a fast of just under 5 years

To be exact, the last time Cavalaria fans celebrated the title was on August 25, 2019, thus: a fast of approximately 4 years and 7 months.

Team Liquid wins LCS 2019 second split title (Photo: Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games)

This specific year 2019 was special for Team Liquid fans. The organization won in the first split, was runner-up at MSI 2019 and was also champion in the second split.

A curious fact is that the top-laner and support in this 2019 cycle and in the 2024 title were the same: Impact e CoreJJ.

Team Liquid CoreJJ Impact
CoreJJ and Impact become champions again for Team Liquid (Photo: Reproduction/LCS Flickr)

APA Finals MVP

Despite the LCS being heavily criticized for imports and not producing players, the player crowned with the best individual performance in the finals is a product of the Academy da Team Liquid.

APA was already on the team, and experienced a controversial situation in 2023 at the World Cup with the 2022 World Cup champion, Pyosik. The former Liquid jungler left the team, and in the first split, APA turned things around and won its first title with an MVP!

The player finished the series with a KDA of 19/6/28 em four games.

Team Liquid and Flyquest will play MSI 2024

Team Liquid will remain in the international cycle, having a chance at the last World Cup and now returning to MSI 2024, with the advantage of going straight to the Brackets Stage.

On the other hand, Flyquest will play in the play-in of the international championship for being in second place.

When does LoL MSI 2024 start?

O MSI 2024 starts on May 1st and big The final takes place on May 19th.

Team Liquid is champion of LCS 2024 1st Split
Photo: Reproduction/LCS Flickr
Sergio FioriniSergio Fiorini
published in April 1, 2024edited 16 hours ago


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