Today saw the premiere of LCK Academy 2024 (LCK Challengers), and it was also Rekkles’ first match on the South Korean team T1. The player who became one of the biggest names in LoL as an ADC, had his first professional support match.
Rekkles draws attention in the first game
Playing from Senna, champion that the player already owned 28 games and an average of 70%+ wins, Rekkles stood out and brought the first victory for T1 over Basket Freecs. The support was the highlight of the match:
And there was even an MVP for the man pic.twitter.com/gmtlo0bT7r
— Sports Correspondent (LoL) (@Correslol) January 16, 2024
Second and third game shy
As expected, the process of role swap (changing roles) would take time. In his matches with Rakan and Rell, Rekkles showed that he was unable to perform 100% of his role, even though he had good numbers. Check out the frags:

The match ended up 2-1 for Kwangdong Freecs, but it is worth noting that the competition has just begun, so Rekkles and T1 Academy themselves still have a good amount of time to improve and show more consistent series.
Rekkles’ next game with T1 Academy is against Dplus Kia Academyon day 1January 9th at 2am.
Community reaction
Of course, when involving the player with most kills in history of the LEC, with an appearance in the finals of the world championship and several titles, the world of LoL would be watching. Check out some of the community’s reactions:
Rekkles lost his debut series in LCK CL
But I confess that I thought he was well above what I expected, that he continues as a starter to continue evolving, he already has an MVP to count— tabsssssss #CBLOL (@_tabssx) January 16, 2024
T1 REKKLES pic.twitter.com/G0Q4wRyc9r
— LoL Esports (@lolesports) January 16, 2024
Wake up early to see Rekkles + Smash in the T1 botlane pic.twitter.com/zu7PmSQUbd
— LOUD SrVenancio (@SrVenancio1) January 16, 2024
Rekkles leaving the kill for his ADC because he knows it feels, receives the first thumbs up a westerner has ever gotten from their Korean teammate on their Korean team in Korea.
Worlds is won. pic.twitter.com/dJMSn6A98e
— Veteran (@VeteranEU) January 16, 2024
Rekkles left his kill for the ADC because he knows how it feels, and he was also the first Westerner to receive a “thumbs up” from a Korean ally, on his Korean team, in Korea. The World Cup is won.
LCKCL sold out for the first time ever…. But #LoL #LCKCL @T1LoL pic.twitter.com/MtjEwSTRho
— kenzi (@kenzi131) January 16, 2024
LCK Academy sold out all tickets for the first time, but…
This must be the funniest image in the world that rekkles at 45 years old is at the t1 academy is surreal pic.twitter.com/OOkPpV1pST
— cioli (@TemKz_ES) January 16, 2024
This must be the funniest image in the world, where Rekkles, at “45 years old”, is at t1 Academy, it’s surreal
Rekkles debuts with victory, and when they won, all of his teammates used the FNATIC emote when taking down Nexus.
Rekkles scored a resounding 4/0/6 for Senna pic.twitter.com/ZF7wi6G14A
— Sports Correspondent (LoL) (@Correslol) January 16, 2024

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/lck-academy-2024-apesar-da-derrota-rekkles-chama-antecao-em-estreia-da-t1