Now available in the Netflix subscriber catalogue, GTA: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition brings three games in its package. One of the options is GTA Vice Citywhich takes us on a journey full of violence, missions and lots of fun during the 1980s in the iconic Vice City.
Just like on consoles and PC, the mobile version of GTA Vice City works with codes, cheats, tricks and cheats. With this, the player can modify the gaming experience easily.
Whether you’re a fan of the series or someone just venturing into the franchise for the first time, you may need some help on your journey. Or, in some cases, simply make everything even more fun and bizarre using some codes.
If this is your case, below is a list of different codes to help with GTA Vice City. Just choose the one you like best and enjoy!
How to use cheats in GTA Vice City?
Use codes in GTA Vice City It’s not a very complicated task. See below a brief tutorial on how to access the function on your cell phone:
- While in the game, click on the minimap to open the main menu;
- When accessing this area, tap options to open the menu Accessibility;
- Once in this area, simply select Enter cheat code to enter the combination you want to use.
When you enter the accessibility area, you will see the enter codes area as one of the last options available.Source: TecMundo/Reproduction
See how simple it is? Once this step has been explained, check below the list of all the features that you can access in the mobile version of GTA Vice City.
Codes and cheats for GTA Vice City on mobile
Cheats gerais
- THUGSTOOLS: unlocks all light weapons
- PROFESSIONALTOOLS: unlocks all medium weapons
- NUTTERTOOLS: unlocks all heavy weapons
- YOUCANTLEAVEMEALONE: character becomes invincible
- ASPIRINE: restores health bar
- PRECIOUSPROTECTION: restores the vest
- YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE: increases wanted level by 2 stars
- LEAVEMEALONE: removes wanted level
- ICNTTAKEITANYMORE: character commits suicide
- FULLCITYPEOPLEMINES: buys all properties
- ONSPEED: increases game speed
- BOOOOOORING: slows down the game
- LIFEISPASSINGMEBY: time passes faster
- PFIGHTFIGHTFIGHT: pedestrians are angry
- NOBODYLIKESME: pedestrians get aggressive
- CHICKSWITHGUNS: all women are armed
- FANNYMAGNET: attracts all women
Weather Cheats
- ALOVELYDAY: sunny day
- APLEASANTDAY: cloudy day
- ABITDRIEG: cloudy day with dense clouds
- CANTSEEATHING: misty weather
- CATSANDDOGS: rainy weather
Vehicle cheats
- AIRSHIP: boats start to fly
- BIGBANG: all nearby vehicles explode
- MIAMITRAFFIC: makes city traffic go crazy
- COMEFLYWITHME: cars start flying
- IWANTITPAINTED: all cars turn black
- AHAIRDRESSERSCAR: all cars turn pink
- GRIPISEVERYTHING: steering becomes easier
- GREENLIGHT: all traffic lights turn green
- SEAWAYS: cars drive on water
- WHEELSAREALLINEED: cars become invisible
- LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS: cars get giant wheels
Cheats to appear vehicle
- PANZER: enables a battle tank
- TRAVELINSTYLE: habilita um Bloodring Banger
- GETTHEREQUICKLY: habilita um Alt Bloodring Banger
- GETTHEREFAST: Enables a Storm Saber
- GETTHEREVERYFASTINDEED: habilita um Hotring Racer
- GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST: habilita um Alt Hotring Racer
- THELASTRIDE: Enables a hearse
- ROCKANDROLLCAR: enable a Limousine
- RUBBISHCAR: enable a garbage truck
- BETTERTHANWALKING: enable a golf cart
Cheats for the protagonist
- DEEPFRIEDMARSBARS: makes the protagonist fat
- PROGRAMMER: makes the protagonist thin
- CERTAINDEATH: makes the protagonist smoke non-stop
- CHEATSHAVEBEENCRACKED: controle Ricardo Diaz
- FOXYLITTLETHING: controle Mercedes
- IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY: controle Sonny Forelli
- LOOKLIKELANC: controle Lance Vance
- WELOVEOURDICK: control Dick (from the band Love Fist)
- ROCKANDROLLMAN: control Jezz (da banda Love Fis)
- ILOOKLIKEHILARY: controle Hilary King
- MYSONISALAWYER: controle Ken Rosenberg
- STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP: control any pedestrian
- IWANTBIGTITS: habilite a skin Candy Suxxx
- ONEARMEDBANDIT: controle Phil Cassidy
We hope these codes help you on your journey through GTA Vice City. In fact, take the opportunity to use our social networks and share your opinion with other readers about the mobile version of the game.
Source: https://www.tecmundo.com.br/voxel/275214-gta-vice-city-veja-codigos-cheats-celulares-android-ios.htm