The exit of forgery e staff and Heroic happened controversially. Now, another story emerges regarding the two players. A Astralis would have paid Heroic an amount of almost R$10 million to remove the athletes from the former organization.

According to journalist Milan “Striker” Švejda spoke on the HLTV Confirmed podcast, some sources revealed to him that Astralis paid a good amount to take stavn and jabbi from Heroic. The values ​​are around US$1.5 and US$2 million – somewhere between R$7.3 million and R$9.7 million.

Photo: Reproduction/Astralis

The duo’s arrival at Astralis was turbulent. When they were still Heroic players, the players committed to renewing their contracts if the organization released captain CadiaN. Heroic fulfilled the request, but stavn and jabbi did not comply with the agreement.

When it came to agreeing the details of the contract, the duo announced that they already had a future transfer agreement for Astralis. Stavn and jabbi still had ten months left on their contracts, so Astralis had to pay the fine to have the players.

astralis team in cs2
Photo: Reproduction/HLTV
Bruno Martins
published in December 2, 2023


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