The 28th and 29th of October were special for fans of old games who live or were traveling in São Paulo. On the weekend in question, the city hosted Canal 3, event dedicated to the Brazilian retrogamer scene.
The team at Voxel was present at this great celebration, which featured stores to buy old games and even the presentation of new games. Check out our impressions and everything that happened at the event below.
Channel 3 was a great opportunity to celebrate old games.Source: Douglas Vieira/Voxel
Remembering the old times
The retro gaming scene is gaining more and more space, and proof of this are the events taking place in some states in Brazil. In São Paulo alone, in 2023 we had Retrocon and Canal 3, which proves that this slope still has plenty of firewood to burn.
All areas of Canal 3 brought a bit of this nostalgia, with the entrance area already housing a stage for performances. There, there was the opportunity to attend a variety of shows, such as Megadriver and other artists who seek inspiration from old games for their music.
Another very inviting space right at the entrance to the event was Locadora Canal 3. As the name suggests, the proposal here was to simulate a rental store similar to those we visited in the 90s, including a game saloon (free!) and even game boxes displayed on shelves.
It’s hard to look at a shelf like this and not feel nostalgic for classic Fridays.Source: Douglas Vieira/Voxel
Some arcades were also on display around the place, all running emulators with hundreds of games available. The cool part is that visitors always asked questions before challenging in fighting games. If you were into something more adventure or shmup-oriented, people respected and waited for you to give up and take control.
The old that inspires the new: game launches
Those who walked through the event pavilion also had the opportunity to check out an area dedicated to independent developers. It was possible to try some games that are in production, with three highlights: Momo and the Mine, Green Memories e Reality Rash.
We had the opportunity to play a little of each of them, and we will give you some impressions below. Another important point is that All of them are scheduled to be released in 2024.
Momo and the Mine
Momo and the MineSource: Steam/Disclosure
Momo and the Mine is a game inspired by platform titles released for Nintendinho. The purpose here is to guide a mole through the stages to collect matchsticks and escape various dangers.
As with many titles on the Nintendo platform, you have to go through moments where jumps need to be calculated to avoid falling into a hole. In total, there will be more than 40 levels to explore and even boss battles.
The version we played at the event had a lot of content to explore. Furthermore, we had the chance to see that One of the game’s greatest features is the interconnected areas, allowing you to go back and forth easily if you forgot something.
Green Memories
- Platforms: PC e Game Boy Advance
Green MemoriesSource: Tengukaze/Disclosure
A style game The Legend of Zelda with survival elements. This is the best way to translate the feeling in Green Memories.
One of the things that caught the most attention in the game it was his survival mechanic. In addition to worrying about enemies, the protagonist must also be aware of the day and night cycle. While in the first case the heat reduces the life bar, the night period makes the character walk more slowly.
To survive all these dangers you need to use a lot of strategy and resource management. And believe us when we talk about managing resources to survive, because Even the act of shooting to eliminate enemies causes the protagonist to lose resistance and some life.
For those who like challenging games that also feature several quests and an item creation system, Green Memories It’s a game to keep on your radar.
Reality Rash
- Platforms: PC e consoles
Reality RashSource: Steam/Disclosure
This goes out to those who are old beat’em up fansgiven that Reality Rash makes a beautiful homage to style. The ultimate inspiration for him were games like Final Fight e Fighting Forceso you can already have an idea of what’s coming.
The demo version that was at the fair allowed you to advance through five areas of the first phase, with different enemies, explorable areas and bosses. To defeat enemies, characters can use punches, kicks and even special moves.
The game has some cool mechanics, such as the fact that the special is accessible after striking opponents several times to fill a bar. The games with the depth of the scene are also worth highlighting, as there are times when progress takes place towards the bottom of some areas.
Gamer hunt
Fairs dedicated to retro games become a paradise for lovers of old games due to the various shops spread around the place. This way, anyone interested in buying something had a good chance of finding good offers at some stands.
The sales area, including occupied more than half of the event pavilion, with very varied offers. It was possible to buy games from Super Nintendo, Mega Drive, Master System, Game Boy Advance and many other platforms.
Some stands featured games in impeccable condition for those willing to spend.Source: Douglas Vieira/Voxel
Although collecting old games is a somewhat distant reality for some, It was possible to find good deals there. In my wanderings, for example, I got to see two copies of Super Metroid for R$250 and even a Pocky Rocky 2 for R$1,800 (yes, this one is really expensive, but the price is “within reality”).
Valid experience
At the end, The experience of those who visited Canal 3 was truly worthwhile, especially for those looking for new games for their collection. The environment was completely family-friendly and certainly provided plenty of fun opportunities for players of all ages.
We can only hope that more events like this gain space in other states in Brazil. After all, the old games are still going strong and are loved everywhere, from Oiapoque to Chuí.
Source: https://www.tecmundo.com.br/voxel/273245-canal-3-veja-tudo-rolou-evento-retro-games-sp.htm