The clash of the crowds, paiN e LOUD opened week 6 of CBLOL 2024 and after some controversies from LOUDa Verduxa ends the period of crisis and takes the lead in the competition. And Tinowns, who were well criticized during the week, made the post-game barb.

Tinowns barbs paiN in interview

In a post-game interview with Riot, Tinowns did not fail to criticize his former team, check it out:

The paiN fans always scream, but in the end they always stay quiet. It’s the same story as always.

The player also commented on the week’s controversies:

Today we played as a team. We trained as a team this week and here are the results. There was this whole situation that was exposed, there was 0-2, we weren’t doing well, but even though we won the games, we felt like we weren’t a team. Now we played the game correctly, respected our time and each other, and I’m very happy to come out with the victory. There was a lot of talk, a lot of discussion to find out how we were going to play, we came with a plan about training, vision and from now on we will improve a lot.

Photo: Reproduction/Social Networks

Stardust comments on LOUD’s composition

In a press conference, the More Esports asked the Stardust If this composition with fewer scale and easy-to-execute champions will be the adaptation of LOUD until the end of CBLOL 2024, check out his response:

“Today’s draft was in the style in which LOUD won the last 3 championships, it is our comfort and our plan A. In addition to all this, it fit perfectly into today’s conditions, but whenever we can, we will try to have a composition like this”

In the photo, coach Stardust, from LOUD
Photo: Reproduction/CBLOL Flickr

CBLOL community reacts to LOUD’s actions

Of course, in classics, the community speaks loudest! Check out some reactions from the community:

In the photo, Tinowns is LOUD
Photo: Reproduction/CBLOL Flickr


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