Surpassing any record in CBLOLa LOUD get the opportunity to play your 4th consecutive final. The passport was stamped with another victory over paiN Gaming by 3×1 in the Superior Bracket of playoffs do CBLOL 2024.

Photo: Reproduction/CBLOL Flickr

Is LOUD the best team in the Franchise Era?

Troubled start – LOUD and ending didn’t match at the beginning

Verduxa entered the Franchise Era, at CBLOL 2021, and experienced some complex moments: in the franchise’s first split, the team qualified for the playoffs and took a reverse sweep to paiN Gaming of Tinowns e Roboand in the second there is a sweep for Rensga, who had the Croc as a jungler.

CBLOL 2021 LOUD Dynquedo
Photo: Reproduction/LOUD

Em 2022, Tin e Robs arrive to add to LOUD, but the team is in seventh place. This was the only split in which the Robo He didn’t qualify for the playoffs in his career, but everything would change.

Tin e Robo LOUD
Photo: Disclosure/LOUD

Do the F! F for Franchises and LOUD Finals

In 2022.2, with the arrival of Croc, Verduxa does not make Robo return to the playoffs, but wins the organization’s first cup. Afterwards, LOUD maintains the final and title sequence in the two consecutive splits. In the year 2023, only Avassaladora, breaking Exódia’s feat and being the first line to achieve three consecutive titles.

Image of the LOUD icon and emote for Worlds 2023, the LoL world championship

The 4th L is right there – LOUD is in the final (again)

In 2024, the fourth opportunity for the CBLOL cup to be celebrated between L and green stripes has arrived. LOUD awaits its next opponent: RED to ex-Brance? AND Procuracy from Coach SeeEl? Or will everything be summed up by paiN x LOUD?

We will find these answers in the next CBLOL 2024 playoff weekend, and you will know first-hand each chapter of this narrative here, on More Esports.

In the photo LOUD tinowns, who ended the game against INTZ
Photo: Reproduction/Riot Games
Sergio FioriniSergio Fiorini
published in April 7, 2024edited a day ago


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