During the transfer window for CBLOL 2023 2nd Splita LOS probed the situation of ShrimpSouth Korean jungle who was already champion of the tournament with Flamengo, in 2019. However, the organization ended up closing with Trick.

During a live, Kakavelone of the LOS executives, commented on the situation and revealed that Shrimp did not return to Brazil, as he did not trust Ranger’s move to support.

Shrimp was the first name we went after and his response was: I won’t play in Brazil again if I have to play with the support Ranger. They are friends, but he didn’t believe in the support Ranger. This is the first reaction, I don’t think Ranger even knew about it and I’m updating you and Ranger too.

Shrimp replied Kakavel

Shortly after the cut in which Kakavel talks about the situation went viral, the South Korean Shrimp went public to deny the information said by the LOS executive.

First of all, I was a little worried about him switching roles, but I never said I didn’t want to play with him if he switched. I was talking to Stardust who needed time to think and I watched a lot of his games, the way he played seemed really good.

At the same time, I needed to help with the LS scrims, so I got a little busy. After that, I spoke to Stardust who was willing to join LOS, I thought it was a good opportunity, but unfortunately he said it was too late. He decided to choose Trick, I think I responded a little late, 1 day.

Ranger’s future at CBLOL

Recently, Ranger published a text on his social networks in which he talks a little more about the future and also that he wants to continue competing in the next season. Before that, the community speculated about the player’s possible retirement.

The player’s contract with LOS ends in November and he will be free to listen to new proposals. It is expected that Ranger will return to his original position, the jungle, instead of pursuing his career as a support.

Reproduction/Riot Games

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/cblol-2023-shrimp-nao-voltou-por-conta-de-ranger-suporte-revela-kakavel

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