South Korean support On announced that he is looking for a team to try to return to his professional playing career. The last time he put up with it was for RED Canids no first split of 2023.

Hello, my name is Kuri. My health is improving and I’m playing a lot of soloQ. I’m trying to get back to being a professional player. If you are interested in hiring me, send me an email or DM.

Player announced his retirement a few months ago

For health reasons, in July Kuri announced his retirement. Now, three months later, he has reconsidered the decision and is willing to play professionally in 2024.

Kuri had a quick stint at RED Canids

In Brazil, the South Korean played for two teams. The most successful was at RED Canids, when he led the CBLOL 2023 1st Split and was considered the best support in the tournament, being at the top of the statistics alongside ADC TitaN.

However, the support did not finish the stage for the Pack. He was replaced by scamber after the team entered a bad phase in the competition. It was later revealed by RED’s owner that Kuri asked to leave the team.

Reproduction/Riot Games

Communication problems were cited by Kuri himself, and Aegis even said that support didn’t think Avenger was “that good”. At the time Avenger was the middle of the pack.

Previously, Kuri played for Flamengo Los Grandes. After finishing in penultimate place in the CBLOL 2022 1st Split, he was replaced by Wos in the second stage, while the organization was also going through a bad moment in the last places of the championship.

Bruno Rodrigues
published in October 26, 2023


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