Baldur’s Gate 3 this Wednesday (6) won its long-awaited version for PS5, after being a huge success on PCs. However, since its announcement, many players have been curious to know how the game’s extensive command system would be adapted for the version of the Sony console.

And it was Sony itself that detailed the Blog Oficial do PlayStation how the gameplay will be adapted. In addition, the game will also use some of the exclusive technologies of the PS5 joystick, the DualSense, all to make the player’s life easier during long hours of playing the RPG.

Baldur’s Gate 3 will finally be released for PS5Source: Steam

Additionally, for those who have already started a campaign on the PC version, The game also has an option to import your play and continue in the PS5 version.

Game will have personalized radial menus

One of the main elements of the gameplay Baldur’s Gate 3 is your set of menus. With them you can perform a series of actions, such as accessing the map, diary, spell book, character sheet, combat log, etc. On PS5, these menus are available when activated with the DualSense trigger button, which will appear in the shape of a large wheel, where you just need to direct the option to access it.

ControlRadial menus also work on PC, just connect a controller to the device.

In these radial menus, It will be possible to create customizations for the most different moments of the game. In them you can, for example, organize your spells in the order you prefer, as well as position actions and items for faster access, simply removing what no longer interests you, or that will not be necessary in a certain part of the story.

And in combat, the Tactical View from above has a camera that you can make adjustments to using the analog stick. With it, you can zoom in and out of viewas well as rotating to get a better image of a specific moment in the battle.

Baldur's Gate 3 will have menus adapted to DualSense on PS5Baldur’s Gate 3 will have menus adapted to DualSense on PS5Fonte:  PlayStation

Still about battles, DualSense technologies will make a big difference. Thanks to them, the light bar will change color according to the power used, matching the tone to the type of damage, or the spell you are going to cast. In moments of pressure, the brightness will increase, accompanied by resonant tactile responses. And finally, when you suffer a status effect, such as Paralysis, Bleeding or Hex, your DualSense controller will also glow in the same color.

And if even with so many adjustments you don’t feel adapted to all these commands, still there is a Cursor Mode that puts an arrow on your screenallowing you to control your character in the traditional point and click way, just like the traditional PC version.

Baldur's Gate 3 also allows you to play the game in traditional mode, with a cursor, just like the original PC versionBaldur’s Gate 3 also allows you to play the game in traditional mode, with a cursor, just like the original PC versionSource: Steam

Game will allow you to import saves from the PC version to the PS5; see how:

As previously stated, the PS5 version of Baldur’s Gate 3 allows you to import a play started in the PC version. To do this, just follow the steps below:

1. Access the official Larian website through this link;

2. Once there, log in to the platform. If you don’t have one, just fill in your details and link the Steam or GOG account where you own the game in the PC version;

You need to log in to the official Larian website and link your accounts for the PC and PS5 version of the gameYou need to log in to the official Larian website and link your accounts for the PC and PS5 version of the gameSource: Reproduction / Voxel

3. Then link your PSN account on which you are playing, or will play, Baldur’s Gate 3;

4. Now, in the game, go to the Gameplay Settings menu;

5. Look for the Cross-save option and activate it;

6. Okay, now just confirm the option and wait until the game synchronizes the saves.

please note that the process also works the other way around, that is, it allows you to continue or import a game from the PS5 to the PC version.

And you, eager to play Baldur’s Gate 3 on PS5? Tell us on Voxel’s social media!


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