Apok had problems with his stream this Sunday (8). At around 3pm, the streamer had his channel banned on Twitch. However, the Brazilian did not remain without his channel for long. After an hour, Apoka had his Twitch channel unbanned.

Apoka himself spoke about the reason for the ban on Twitter. According to the streamer, the punishment was imposed on him due to the “live timing of lap times” in Formula 1. The Brazilian joked about the ban.

Just kidding, huh, Formula 1. This is still a horrible season.

Photo: Reproduction/HLTV

To the joy of Brazilians, the punishment did not last long. After an hour and ten minutes, Apoka’s Twitch channel returned, and he commented, again, on the fact. “I’m back, now to stay”, he said.

Bruno Martins
published in October 8, 2023

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/apoka-e-banido-da-twitch-mas-volta-apos-uma-hora

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