Not long before the lofficial release of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2a Insomniac Games revealed this Thursday (19) an interesting possibility. The PlayStion studio confirmed that it may make a spin-off dedicated entirely to the Venom.

In a recent interview with Insider, Insomniac’s senior narrative director, Jon Paquette, commented on the matter. He responded to fans of the stubborn who had long wondered if we would see the symbiote in a game in the style of Spider-Man Miles Morales.

According to Paquette, it all depends on fan reception. “Right now, our focus is on Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, and we will monitor fan reactions. We always listen to fans and do our best to accommodate their requests. After a period of reflection, we will discuss the possibility of this type of project. “

After the success of Marvel’s Spider-Man (2018) and the Miles Morales spin-off, Spider-Man 2 arrives with a lot of focus on Venom. “I want this to be one of the best Venom stories you’ve ever experienced. We’ll see what the critics have to say,” said the game’s senior narrative director.

Who voices Venom in Spider-Man 2

The director also revealed how “Candyman” star Tony Todd was cast by creative director Bryan Intihar as the voice of Venom: “He probably saw a new trailer for Candyman and we were like, ‘Oh, my God! That would be amazing!'” Paquette said.

Todd played Candyman in the original trilogy of the slasher saga that was very popular in the 90s. Check out one of the most famous scenes from the film below The Legend of Candyman (2021)with the artist’s voice:

Later today, Tony Todd also gave an interview to Variety magazine about his work as the voice of Venom in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2: “As soon as I got the role, I went to a comic book store and asked for the 20 best comic books involving Venom they had. I also watched some of the first film, but I wanted to create my own version.”

Leaving fans even more curious and eager for his appearance, the actor and voice actor stated: “I want fans to know that I love games, I didn’t just see it as a job, I saw it as an act of love. I hope that becomes clear in the my interpretation.”

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2acclaimed by international critics, will reach the PlayStation 5 this Friday, October 20th. While the digital version of the game costs R$350, the physical edition can be purchased for prices starting at R$296.


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