This Monday (23) Team Liquid was eliminated from Worlds 2023 by GAM, a team from Vietnam. At the end of the series, the South Korean jungler scene, Pyosik, crying, went viral on social media. The player was world champion in 2022 with DRX.

In addition to Pyosik, Team Liquid also has the veteran CoreJJ, who is South Korean and was world champion in 2017 for Samsung Galaxy. Despite the team not being in their best form, they were expected to beat GAM. The defeat reignited discussion in the community: Does the LCS deserve three spots in the tournament?

Pyosik, aged 23, before joining Team Liquid, had only played for DRX. In 2022, the team reached the LoL world championship as seed 4 in the LCK and, despite being discredited, they had an incredible journey, reaching the final and beating T1, the competition’s favorite, 3-2. The jungler received a DRX themed skin for the champion Kindred.

Pyosik in tears after Team Liquid’s elimination (Image: Disclosure/Riot Games)

It is worth remembering that GAM was also the team that eliminated LOUD from Worlds 2023. Levi and his team continue to compete in the LoL world championship and will face Dplus right away. If they are defeated, they will be eliminated; if they win, they will still need to play another series for a place in the Playoffs.

When is Worlds 2023 coming back?

The LoL World Cup will only return on Thursday (26), at 4am, but there is still no defined game schedule. However, we already know what the clashes will be:

Team Games 2-1

Team Games 1-2

  • Cloud9 x Fnatic
  • DK x GAM
  • Weibo x MAD Lions

It is worth noting that the matches are in MD3 format, and teams that were 1-2 and lose will be eliminated from the tournament. On the other hand, in the upper bracket, whoever wins is classified for the next stage of the tournament.

Follow complete coverage of Worlds 2023 with game calendar, results, tables, format and other information here on More Esports.

Image of Worlds 2023 according to LoL world championship times
(Image: Disclosure/Riot Games)


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