KT Rolster was defeated by the favorite JDG and is eliminated from the Worlds 2023. The South Koreans had difficult draws throughout the tournament and leave the LCK’s last hope in the hands of T1who is still playing for the last spot in the semifinals.

After the defeat, BddKT’s mid laner, spoke about the series, the play of Ruler and it is also thought that T1 will be able to defeat all remaining Chinese opponents.

Difference between LCK and LPL today

Every year I have the opportunity to play against teams from other regions. I think the biggest difference is that teams from different regions are never afraid to try something new and they are not afraid to try something they have never tried before. So, I believe this is the main reason why they manage to surprise each time. I always think that’s the biggest difference.

What happened in Ruler’s big play?

At the moment, Kiin was saying that he had a flank around the krugs, so we were trying to set up a fight at Baron and we weren’t going for Baron, but while we were slowly expanding, I didn’t expect Kaisa to actually be there and make the move. play. We didn’t have enough vision and our position was bad.

Will T1 be able to beat all the remaining Chinese at Worlds 2023?

I think T1 will be the team that beats them all. They have potential.

Bdd talks about learning from mistakes and the future

Well, if we stay together as a team, I can try to figure out what we can improve on as a whole. But at the moment I’m not sure what it will be like, so I can’t say anything about it.

Next Worlds 2023 game

The next Worlds 2023 game will be between T1 and LNG, which is scheduled to take place this Sunday, starting at 5am. The South Korean team is the last LCK representative in the tournament and if they don’t win, four teams from China will be in the semifinals of the competition.

Follow complete coverage of Worlds 2023 with game calendar, results, tables, format and other information here on More Esports.

Reproduction/Riot Games
Luis Santana
published in November 4, 2023

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/worlds-2023-eles-tem-potencial-diz-bdd-sobre-t1-vencer-todos-os-times-da-lpl

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