A Riot Games e o AFROPUNK Bahia will partner during the event to offer cultural experiences for the community of VALUING. The edition takes place in Salvador on the 18th and 19th of November.

In addition to being present at the festival, Riot Games will organize two AFROPUNK “watch parties” in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The events will feature a range of activities, including challenges, rhyme battles, break dancing, and other interactive experiences.

Representation at the Salvador Exhibition Park

The stand will feature iconic characters such as the Brazilian and Bahian Raze, along with Astra and Phoenix, forming a squad of renowned influencers, such as Maah Lopez, AthenaXis, LOAD of work.

Audiovisual Contents and Aesthetic Interaction

Riot Games’ main attraction at AFROPUNK Bahia 2023 is VALORANT’s audiovisual content, designed to interact with the event’s aesthetics and explore the attitude of the game’s Black Agents.

AFROPUNK in São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro

São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro residents will also be able to experience the vibe of AFROPUNK Bahia 2023 on the nights of November 18th and 19th. Riot Games will organize parties in both cities, with live broadcasts of shows and behind the scenes directly from the festival in Salvador.

The events will be open to the public, providing unique experiences, including 1v1 VALORANT challenges, Team Deatmatch matches with influencers, meet&greets with game creators, musical attractions and exclusive gifts.

(Photo: Disclosure/Riot Games)
Raquel Ferreira
published in November 16, 2023

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/valorant-riot-games-participara-do-afropunk-com-ativacoes

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