A Shopify Rebellion won the Game Changers Championship 2023 last Sunday (3). The cast defeated Team Liquid 3-2 in the grand final. However, one day after the victory, Semmlercommentator Counter-Strikestarted a series of transphobia discussions against florescentcurrent VALORANT world champion.

(Photo: Disclosure/Riot Games)

fluorescent is the target of transphobia by Counter-Strike commentator

He recently argued that transgender players shouldn’t be part of the league and came to the attention of the VALOANT community after responding to a photo of florescentMVP do Game Changers Championship 2023.

So are women in Valorant suffering the same fate? I’m not surprised.

The main player of the competition and who broke records during the inclusive world championship responded to the publication and also mentioned that at one point in his career he was a fan of the commentator.

Seeing the person you portray yourself to be and the person you are becoming in recent years is quite sad. You’re more than twice my age and you still act like a child on the internet all day. I’m not a big hater, but I genuinely feel sorry for the minorities/lgbt/poc you’ve had to work with in your career, something I’m sure doesn’t matter to you. I wonder what they think of you now.

Other VALORANT personalities also responded to Semmler, asking him to leave the player alone. The commentator responded directly to Doing theminterviewer and host for Riot Games, who told him to “take the day off.”

I’ve had studio heads ask me if I knew any Asian women to hire because they needed to fill diversity quotas. You don’t need to play these games. Your job is safe. (You’re legitimately good at your job, so again, don’t worry).

Semmler has not worked Counter-Strike events since 2021 and is currently a member of the podcast network Last Free Nationhaving participated in its programs and live broadcasts.

Community repudiates Semmler’s transphobic action

Transphobia in Brazil

Recently, the Federal Supreme Court (STF) determined that acts of homophobia and transphobia are classified as a crime of racial insult. In practice, whoever is responsible for acts of this nature will not have the right to bail, nor will there be a time limit to respond in court.

In 2019, the Supreme Court had already recognized the crime of homophobia and transphobia, and decided that they should be classified as a crime of racism. Now, the STF has expanded protection to homosexual and transgender people who may have direct offenses against them punished as racial slurs.

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/valorant-campea-mundial-do-game-changers-e-alvo-de-transfobia-comunidade-repudia

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