In recent times, the competitive scenario of VALUING was marked by a wave of prejudice against professional players. Second, Slasherathletes face gender discrimination when testing for Franchise League teams for 2024.
The journalist stated that teams that compete in the mixed VALORANT scenario are reluctant to play alongside female players. The justification is that men “they don’t want to play with women”. In a live, the analyst Sean Gares alongside Slasher discussed the situation of meLplayer of V1.
She tried out for several teams and they all refused to try out because at least one player on the team didn’t want to play with a woman. This reflects what esports has been like historically.
End of the mixed VCT 2023 season and inclusive scenario
The end of the mixed calendar season has come to an end and with that the teams are preparing to take advantage of new tryouts, as the transfer window started last Monday (11). On the other hand, athletes from Game Changers awaiting the final stages for the Championshipwhich will take place in November, in Brazil.
It is important to highlight that gender prejudice is a barrier present in many esports, which prevents high-level players from competing on equal terms in the mixed scenario.
Leo Faria talks about VALORANT’s inclusive scenario
During the VCT LOCK//INMais Esports held an exclusive interview with the global director of VALORANT, Leo Fariaand questioned him about the developer’s investments in the inclusive scenario.
The goal from the beginning was to create an esport that represented the community. And the VALORANT community alone already has more women. The percentage compared to other PC games is much higher. We think this happens for several reasons and many of the things we do are quite intentional. So the fact of having representation in the game, that several agents are female and that we create Game Changers aiming to open the doors of esports for more women to be professionals, coaches or casters.
Potter, first woman to become VALORANT world champion
When a EG became the great champion of Champions 2023, many people praised Potter, the team’s coach. Furthermore, at the press conference the More Esports created space for the coach to leave a message for all women and athletes in the inclusive scenario.
My message to all women is, take a risk! In my career, there have been several moments where I was afraid and you need to take risks, especially when you are young and want to reach the top.
published in September 19, 2023
Source: https://maisesports.com.br/valorant-atletas-enfrentam-discriminacao-de-genero-em-testes-de-times