A designer known for creating creations inspired by League of Legends made a skin uniting the worlds of VALUING and LoL with Clove e Neeko. She shared the art through social media.

WANDAKUN’s latest illustration features League of Legends champion Nekko with a skin inspired by Clove, the most recent agent to arrive in VALORANT. WANDAKUN posted his creation on his X profile this Wednesday (17).

Wandakun’s art features a skin of the champion Neekofrom LoL, a Vastaya who can blend into any crowd inspired by Clove, the last agent released in VALORANT.

Other Wandakun creations for VALORANT

This is not the VALORANT artist’s first creation. She also implemented other agents like Phoenix, Jett, and Neon into League.

Source: https://maisesports.com.br/valorant-artista-recria-clove-com-inspiracao-em-campea-do-lol

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