Nowadays it is common to come across games whose main plot is easily 10 to 15 hours long. However, there are still some titles that opt for a shorter story, either to please players with less free time, or even to place more emphasis on other modes.
And today Voxel brings a list precisely for those looking for short games, where it is possible to complete the main mode in up to 6 hours. Check out!
1. The Walking Dead (or other Telltale games)
There are two main features in Telltate’s games. The first of them is the gameplay entirely based on decisions throughout the plot, which refers to the classic “point and click” games, which dominated PCs in the 90s. And the other is its duration which, in total of the chapters, does not exceed 6 hours in total.
Telltale’s The Walking Dead brings a short story, but with an engaging plotSource: Steam
Therefore, the producer’s games are an excellent alternative for those looking for a title that they can finish on the same day, or even in a single afternoon. Already The Walking Dead deserves to be highlighted, as its plot, full of twists and turns, is considered by many to be one of the best ever made for a game. Check out the producer’s other options:
- Batman: The Telltale Series;
- Tales from the Borderlands;
- Jurassic Park: The Game;
- The Wolf Among Us;
- Game of Thrones;
- Tales from the Borderlands.
2. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
It is no longer today that the main stories of the franchise Call of Duty attract attention due to their short duration. The reason is that the series is increasingly focusing its efforts on other modes, mainly online multiplayer, which is the game’s main focus, that is, the most popular.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has the shortest campaign in the entire franchiseSource: Disclosure
Nonetheless, CoD: MF3 surpassed itself, and brought one of the shortest campaigns in the franchise. The duration became a laughing stock for actor Christopher Judge during this year’s The Game Awards. On that occasion, before presenting the award for Best Actor/Actress in a game, he joked that his thank you speech last year, which was notable for its long duration, lasted longer than the entire advertising campaign. Modern Warfare 3.
3. Little Nightmares
Another excellent game, whose story does not have a long duration, is The Little Nightmares. The platform horror game puts the player in control of little Six, a girl who wakes up on a ship and needs to overcome all her nightmares along her journey. To do this, you will need to escape fearsome creatures using strategy and exploring the scenarios.
The Little Nightmares is a horror game with a short story that chills from start to finishSource: Steam
Although short, the game has a scary setting, which puts the player in tension from start to finish. Even though you die many times, it is still possible to beat the game in about 5 hours. And if you liked it, its sequel, The Little Nightmares 2also has a similar duration, and maintains the same successful elements.
4. Resident Evil 3 Remake
The third chapter of Capcom’s horror franchise received a remake in 2020. It features the original game with redone graphics, and a drastic change in gameplay, which now features a third-person view, abolishing the fixed camera system that made the trilogy popular. original to the series.
Resident Evil 3 Remake has the same short duration as the original gameSource: Steam
And just like the original, the game has a very short campaign. Therefore, it is possible to finish it in less than 6 hours, even with Nemesis on your tail at all times, and on normal difficulty. After beating the game, you receive items such as weapons with infinite ammunition, which allow you to finish the game in even less time, that is, in around 2 to 3 hours.
5. Devil May Cry Collection HD
For nostalgic fans, Devil May Cry Collection HD is an excellent option. Starting with bringing the first three titles in the franchise, in remastered versions, that is, with improved graphics compared to the original titles, released in the 128-bit generation. Furthermore, all games have a short campaign, where you can easily beat the game in less than 4 to 5 hours.
Devil May Cry Collection HD brings the first three games in the franchise remasteredSource: Steam
And for the most skilled players, it is possible to finish all the chapters in the collection in the same day. Of course, this also varies depending on the difficulty chosen, since Capcom games, especially from that generation, were known for their high degree of challenge precisely at higher difficulty levels.
6. Sonic Origins
Another collection worth highlighting is Sonic Origins. It brings the first four games from one of the most famous franchises in the history of video games, in improved versions and with new features, such as the addition of characters from classic games, remastered sounds, and improvements to the pixelated look.
Sonic Origins brings the first classic games in the franchiseSource: Steam
Just like when they were released, you can finish them in just over 3 or 4 hours. And to top it off, there is also a DLC, called Sonic Origins Pluswhich adds 12 more classic games from the franchise, which were released for the Game Gear, SEGA’s former portable console.
7. Journey
Released in 2012, Journey is still remembered today as one of the great masterpieces of video games. In it, you control an anonymous character who needs to escape a huge desert. And to do this, you need to follow a single light, located on the top of a mountain. But the path to it is full of puzzles and riddles.
Journey is one of the most praised games of recent timesSource: Steam
The indie game features gameplay that captivates the player from start to finish, making its duration, which is no longer so long and lasts around 5 hours, pass in the blink of an eye. Therefore, it is perfect not only for those who want to finish it in a short time, but for those who want to have an experience where every minute is worth it.
And do you remember any other short games? Tell us on Voxel’s social media
Source: https://www.tecmundo.com.br/voxel/279849-jogos-curtos-7-games-zerar.htm