Are you stressed because you can’t solve the Rubik’s Cube? So how about kneading, squishing and squeezing this foam version of the famous colorful cube puzzle.
The Rubik’s Slow Foam Squishy Stress Cube stress ball has the iconic shape of the traditional 3×3 Rubik’s cube with its squares in 6 colors and the multicolored logo in the center. The cube is made from slow-rising polyurethane memory foam and measures 7.6cm x 7.6cm.
The Rubik’s Slow Foam Squishy Stress Cube anti-stress toy costs US$14.99 at Toynk Toys, which accepts orders from Brazil.
See many different versions of the Rubik’s cube and other anti-stress toys here on the Toy Blog.
Via Toynk.
Source: https://blogdebrinquedo.com.br/2023/09/brinquedo-anti-stress-cubo-de-rubik-para-amassar-e-esmagar/