The PS5 will be four years old in 2024. A lot has changed since its launch, including a Slim version of the console, which was recently released, and rumors that point to a Pro version arriving very soon. But What hasn’t changed since the historic November were some specific bugs.
From PSN connection issues to more serious issues involving console overheating, sThere are several bugs that affect the video game to this day. At least for most of them, there is at least one solution to reverse them. And today Voxel brings you a list of thethe console’s main flaws, and some ways to get around them. Check it out!
Internet connection drop or slow network to play
By far, the bug that most affects PS5 owners is the one involving the internet. Regarding the loss of connection to PSN, Most of the time the problem is directly on Sony’s servers. In these cases, you need to check the network status, which you can view via this link.
Connection bugs are the most frequent on PS5Source: Reproduction / TecMundo
Regarding the slowness of playing online, the problem may be related to your provider, or the router you are using to connect. It is recommended that you use cabling to make the connection. If this is not possible, you must have an internet connection. at least 15 Mbps. If you still face slowness issues, you will need to change the DNS serveror contact your carrier to find a solution.o.
Unexpected game closure
Another very common problem is the ffinding games that are being played. It happens in a similar way to what happens on PCs, where games and other software “crash” and close unexpectedly. Unfortunately, there is no exact reason why this happens, It could be anything from a disconnection that directly affects the game, or even a corrupted file during its execution.
Unexpected game crashes are also a common bug on PS5Source: Reddit
The solution is made by the system itself.which also provides an option to send the error report via PSN. However, if this happens frequently, It is recommended to reinstall the game. And if the bug still persists, The way is to restore the console system, the famous formatting.
Problems involving DualSense
The DualSense, the official PS5 joystick, is also responsible for a series of bugs on the console. The most frequent is in relation to the pairing the controller, where it may become disconnected at any momentand later a difficulty in reconnecting it.
In these cases, first It is recommended to reset the controlusing a needle, or another accessory as thin, to access the rear reset button. Then, just use the USB-C cable and make the connection again.
DualSense is also responsible for some bugs on PS5Fonte: Â GettyImages
Another problem is involving the controller batterywhich starts to run out faster than normal. Like other accessories, it has a useful life, so It is necessary to change it after a period of use. If you don’t want to, you can change the joystick settings and remove functions, such as vibration, so that it lasts longer before needing a recharge.
Finally, it is also worth remembering that The DualSense suffers from many problems regarding its buttons and levers, resulting in the famous “drift”which is a term to refer to the lack of precision of a command. If it is still under warranty, You must contact Sony support to exchange or repair it.
The DualSense is the target of frequent criticism due to problems with its buttons and leversFonte: Â GettyImages
Connecting to USB-C ports
The PS5 has four USB ports for connecting accessories. However, There is a frequent bug that causes these same connections to be lost frequently. For example, when connecting an external HD or SSD, sometimes, even when fitted, the system does not recognize the connectivity.
PS5 USB ports may have connection issuesSource: Android Central
The solution, however unusual it may be, is to redo the connection. In other words, remove and replace the accessory or cable until the system finally recognizes the connectivity. However, if this does not solve the problem, the problem may be more serious, requiring repair of the device’s port.
PS5 Overheating Issues
Finally, it is worth remembering that the PS5 also faces other less frequent bugs, such as sudden shutdown, problems starting, among others. These are largely related to the console overheating. that, even with a ventilation system to cool the components, it can still experience this problem.
PS5 overheating can cause a number of problemsFonte: Â GettyImages
That way, It is recommended that you clean your video game frequently.to prevent this issue from occurring. Also, be aware of where your PS5 is located, always choosing to leave it in an airy space.
And in your opinion, what is the most common bug on the PS5? Tell us on Voxel’s social media!
Source: https://www.tecmundo.com.br/voxel/288960-ps5-bugs-comuns-console.htm