Valve is always working on new options to improve the use of Steam. And, if a formation announced on Pavel Djundik’s profile on X (formerly Twitter) becomes reality, one of the next functions is the possibility of marking a game as “private”.

With this option, the user would have the chance to hide one or more games from the list of titles visible to friends. This can be useful, for example, if you own a game with slightly more adult content or don’t want anyone to know that you’ve spent more than 2,000 hours on a title’s multiplayer.

The option to hide games will arrive on Steam in the future.Source: Twitter

It is worth remembering that currently Valve’s service already has some privacy options. However, they are limited to your profile and focus on elements such as your friends list, inventory and game details. If you choose to limit part of this view, it may disappear from everyone’s view on Steam or only be available to those you know.

Other news

Later this month, Djundik revealed another information that may please many Steam users who have children: a new parental control system with the addition of family groups.

With this new functionality, parents would have the option to place restrictions on their children’s gaming time, as well as activate a functionality for children to indicate games they would like to purchase (with a notification sent to parents later).

Another point he mentioned is that the virtual store cart should also receive a new visual treatment, but without giving too many details of what’s to come. It is worth remembering that so far Valve has not officially confirmed any of this information, so it is necessary to treat all data as rumors.

So, what did you think of Steam’s news? Comment your opinion on Voxel’s Instagram!


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